Sinus Pause

Created by on Jan. 29, 2023

Let’s talk about sinus pause.

Sinus pause or arrest is characterized by a pause ≥2.0 seconds. It is due to transient failure of of impulse formation at the SA node.


  • Pause (P-P interval) ≥2.0 sec. 

Sinus pause EKGDX

Note the regular PP interval with sinus P waves which is interrupted by a sinus pause with a duration of >2 seconds. 

NOTE: Consider sinoatrial exit block if the pause is a “multiple” (2x, 3x, etc.) of the PP interval.

Possible causes:

  • During sleep in normals
  • Sinus node dysfunction
  • Organic heart disease
  • MI
  • Hyperkalemia
  • Drugs such as quinidine, digitalis, propafenone, etc.
  • Others.

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Dr. Roig

Sinus Pause